We had a Hawaiin themed ward Christmas party this year. They wanted the bishopric to karaoke to "We Wish You A Merry Christmas", and, if you don't know already, Scott hates the spotlight. So the girls teased him all night about how they couldn't even hear him.

When we moved into this house, one of the first things Scott and I decided was where the Christmas tree would be placed. Then we waited that whole year until we could put it up. It looks so nice in the front window when it's dark.
The girls love decorating it and remembering all the ornaments they've made in school. Raegan was not happy because she felt she didn't get to decorate as much as everyone else.
Scott put together his Lego train and put it around the tree that night. What?...yes, my 36 year old husband plays with Legos. :) It keeps him young.