We have a couple in our ward, Jay and Margie Kocherhans, who are retired and live out by the Maricopa air strip. Jay knows my great uncle, Dwight, and likes to paraglide. They invited us out to their place for a paragliding Family Home Evening. We volunteered Rylee to go up first because she's the most adventurous of the group. She looks a little nervous here. :)
The parachute is laid out behind them and the motor looks like a big fan. They roll forward to take off, gaining momentum until the wind fills the parachute and away you go. It was a little scary getting up in the air, Rylee said, but once you were up there, it felt like being on a roller coaster and she even told him to go higher.
This was one of the passes they made after they'd been up in the air for a few minutes. They got as high as 50 feet and buzzed as low as 5 ft. You can definitely see the smile on Rylee's face as she waved and almost ran over us. :)
Raegan decided she would give it a try. I told Jay not to go as high with her, so he stayed under the 30 ft level. Canon decided too late that he wanted to try it too. You can't land safely if you can't see the ground because the sun has gone down. Maybe next time, buddy. Beautiful weather, fun activity, gorgeous sunset. :)