We had to go up to Payson to find snow deep enough to play in. Drive 2 hrs, play 15 minutes until the kids are frozen because we don't own snow gear, then drive 2 hrs home. But we got pictures which makes it all worth it, right?

Thanks Aunt Krissy and Uncle Marsh for loaning us the beenies and scarves. Canon had a lot of fun just kicking the snow at everyone else. Aubree took him sledding down the hill once, but when they hit the bottom, he went rolling. She was freaking out because she thought he was hurt, but we bundled him up so well, he just bounced.

Even dad got into the action. He was a big snowball by the time he hit the bottom, just like in the cartoons...honest!

I didn't want anyone laying in the snow until we were ready to go because then we could change them in the car and they wouldn't be wet. There's nothing worse than being cold and wet. Brrrrr!!!
A man came up to us while we were playing and asked if we wanted his broken sled. He was just gong to toss it, but if we could get some use out of it, that would be ideal. So we definitely sucked what little life that sled had out of it, and then passed it on to another family that was having fun.
Raegan had the best time because she was so light that when she hit the bottom of the hill, she kept sliding right through the parking lot...almost knocked some guy over. :)
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