OK all you 80's children...Aubree's junior high had spirit week this week and today was 80's day. How did I do? Let me point out all my brilliant ideas. Starting at the top, she has the crimped side ponie with thick fabric scrunchie, bright baby blue eye shadow and lots of it (too bad her ears aren't pierced or we would have found some bright dangly earrings!) jean jacket with collar up, obnoxious neon pink fingernail polish, rolled up jeans with holes in them, and vans dock shoes. She wouldn't let me cut bangs into her hair so I could curl them and give her "big hair". I prepped her on talking like a valley girl (Like, oh my gosh, did you see what she was wearing?) and saying things like rad, gnarly to the max, and gag me with a spoon. I thought for sure she would win with the shoes alone. Who still has those? Oh...me! hahahaha! But there was another girl who showed up wearing my exact pattern of Homecoming dress with huge bangs and she won. I was laughing so hard it was difficult to console Aubree.
Like, those were so the good ole dayz! She looks absolutely fabulous!! I remember writing Valley Girl stuff all over my notebook.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE IT! It is totally embarrassing for us, but dead on right! LOL