Monday, May 18, 2009

Just can't stay awake!

I just couldn't keep him awake to finish his food. Have you seen the funny videos on TV where the kids are falling asleep in their food? I wish I had had the camera rolling on this one. :)
I'm laughing my head off watching him nod deeper and deeper into sleep, when I hear this strange noise coming from the other room. I walked in to find this....

...snoring away. Hmmmmm...I wonder where Canon gets it from? :)


  1. Does he fall asleep all the time? Because it doesn't look that way from the size of those CHEEKS!!!!! Holy cow, he's is such a chubbs! I love chubby babies, especially the cheeks!

  2. What a cute post, Canon is so adorable! I agree, it is so cute when they fall asleep when eating!

  3. I do agree it is cute when he falls a sleep eating I do not think I could do that!!!!

    love madison

  4. HILLARIOUS!!! Sounds like you have two bears in your home. Or should I say a bear and a cub. Grrrrrrrrr. That's funny that you have that post, because I have one of Lilly falling asleep at feeding time too. Too cute.

  5. DAMN I wish that was mycum leaking from his mouth and dripping off his chin, started both my son and daughter at 2 months baby sucks it the best
