Raegan is very excited to be one of the "big" girls and have a lunch to pack and back pack to carry. She is loving kindergarten, although I'm not sure how much she is absorbing since I helped her study for her first test, and she didn't do so well. I can see I'm really going to have to be on top of things.
All the girls seem to like their teachers and I'm so happy that Aubree has rediscovered her love for the violin. Her last orchestra teacher all but killed it. And she is getting involved in the Jr high cheer squad.
Kiersten will start orchestra before school this week, and Rylee has decided she wants to play one orchestra instrument (cello) and one band instrument (drums). No, she doesn't know how to slow down. :)
I'm so proud of the girls for helping eachother out when it comes to getting ready for school. I haven't had to make a lunch for any of them yet. Aubree, Kiersten and Rylee usually help Raegan get dressed and get her breakfast.
We have a deal that as long as their rooms are clean before they leave for school, they get to stay up an extra half hour at bedtime.
So far, I'm loving all-day kindergarten!!
I love Aubree's face in the first picture--so does not look excited for school!!! :-)