That's what it's all about...Get the chocolate for mommy!

We celebrated Easter for the Morris side on Sat. with a potluck dinner and egg hunt. Then the boys got dressed and headed over for the priesthood session of Conference. We girls got to hang out and talk and even fit in a few games of cards.

You can smile now, ladies, but we all know what's going to happen to that candy when we get home.

I'm not sure how Dad and Daniel got in this picture...we asked for all the kids to line up...wait...that explains a lot.
I know it looks like a lot of grandkids, but we're actually missing 5. Matt and Megan just had a baby girl and Marilee and Clint are in Safford, AZ and weren't able to make it.

Ready...set...GO! This group went from posing for pictures to all out pandemonium. Get out of the way and let the exodus begin!
I love pandemonium! Those are great memories for the kids to have!