Because the orchestra is small, Kiersten and Aubree have developed some really close relationships with the other musicians and their music teachers. And they've had to excel with their instrument, because if you mess up, everyone knows who hasn't been practicing. You can't hide behind the numbers because there aren't very many kids in the class.

They played some beautiful arrangements of some classic music. I was surprised at the volume despite the small group. Even one flute, one clarinet and one trombone make a huge difference. I'm so proud of these girls for their progress and enjoyment of something I love as well!

Kiersten and Aubree were both part of the Jr High Advanced Orchestra. Here they are tuning their violins before the concert began.

Rylee is the only student left in Intermediate Orchestra. All the other members moved, left for sports, or just weren't interested in playing anymore. She played with the Beginning Orchestra for her concert and had fun even though she already knew those songs from last year.

Rylee is sitting in the front row all the way to the left. It's a small music program, but it's better than not having the opportunity to develop your talents at all.
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